It’s not a surprise for anyone what happens on the market – there are signs everywhere. We all know the pressure of lowering margins, while the production costs are increasing. In any industry, all invoices have skyrocketed. That’s a fact. And entities are trying everything to back up their businesses. What can you do for your own business? Well, that’s the challenge!
There are many ways in which you can prepare an egg. The thing is that it’s tastier if it’s your favourite recipe. As when choosing a different business perspective, you can always choose the sunny-side-up for your farm, benefiting from certain advantages even within this difficult context. Digitalising your farm might offer you just that!
What can you do today
Get your digital assistant through FieldView™, understand how you can not only manage your inputs profitably, but also learn how and why personalised scripts prove to save you money. FieldView™ offers you the functionalities you need to make fertilisers and crop protection applications more efficient and easier than ever.
Find the missing piece
If we were building a puzzle together, everything would be just around one centrepiece – variability. Until now, what you could do was to create your own custom scripts, but now you can write them faster than ever with the zone creation feature on our platforms. Farmers can simply select a single scouting field health image and then edit up to 12 automatic zones to fit their operational needs.